Robust Retirement


  • Reusing Suburban Corporate Headquarters As CCRCs

    I had lunch yesterday with Robert Kramer, Founder and Strategic Advisor of the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing and Care Industry (NIC).    In the course of our conversation, Bob mentioned that National Development and Epoch Senior Living were proposing to develop 130 units of upscale senior housing on the former headquarters of…

  • Immigration and Senior Caregiving Linked

    It has been several months since I updated my blog because I have gotten busy serving on the Board of Quality Care Properties (QCP) and with some consulting work.   I am also just back from a vacation in Costa Rica about which I hope to soon  do a post. An article in today’s (January…

  • To Stay or Move – Adapting An Existing Home vs. Moving To Seniors Housing

    On Monday June 6, 2016, The “Ask Encore” column by Glenn Ruffenach in the Wall Street Journal responded to a question from a reader about “what features, at a minimum, should be added to our current home or incorporated in a new home so that we can stay in our home as we get older.”  …

  • UnSenior “Seniors Housing”

    Earlier this month I toured The Stories at Congressional Plaza, a new type of “seniors housing” project designed to appeal to seniors as well as those of other ages looking for a high-tech, high-service environment in an urban mixed use setting.  The Stories opened in February 2016 and is a joint effort of Federal Realty…

  • Confessions of a Recent CCRC Mover

    The question I most encounter when speaking with friends, family members and acquaintances about seniors housing is: How do you get a reluctant family member of advanced age living alone to agree to move to seniors housing? It doesn’t seem to matter if the family member is 79 or 99, there is still a strong…

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February 2025