Tag: Medicare
Finding A Good Death – Understanding and Shopping For Hospice Care
Background Like most issues about which I post, the topic of “Finding A Good Death” arose from a personal connection. In this case when a neighbor consulted me about his sister who was being referred to hospice care after battling cancer. While not an expert in hospice care, I have long studied seniors housing and…
Financial Planning For Retirement
As with most articles on my blog, this one started with a conversation with a friend. The friend recently turned 60 and is starting to seriously think about retiring from a professional position. He is thinking about a range of options: fully retiring at age 62, shifting to part-time with his firm and delaying retirement…
The Government Will Not Pay For Your Long Term Care
Too many middle and upper income consumers still believe that Medicare, Medicaid or some other government program will pay for their long term care or the long term care of other elderly family members. Medicare, the Federal healthcare program for those age 65 and over, pays for hospital care (Part A), physician care (Part B)…