Category: Health and Lifestyle
My Wife and I Have Moved To A Life-Plan Retirement Community
My last post on the Robust Retirement blog was over six months ago. 2023 was a challenging year for my wife, Carol, and me. We each had to deal with serious health issues, while also serving as each other’s primary care giver. In the fall of 2023, we decided we should move to a senior…
Selecting A life Plan Community in Baltimore for A Parkinson’s Patient
On Thursday, November 9 at 7:00 pm, I presented a webcast for Baltimore’s Parkinson’s community on selecting a Life Plan community. While most Parkinson’s patients are cared for at home and through community-based programs sponsored by MAPS, some Parkinson’s patients will move to a senior housing community as their disease progresses, usually to relieve demands…
Photos of Life Plan Communities in Baltimore
In my November 9, 2023 webcast for the Maryland Association for Parkinson’s Support (MAPS) I discuss Life Plan Communities (LPCs) as a housing option for Parkinson’s patients. LPCs were preciously called continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs). The industry changed the terminology used to describe these communities to emphasize the lifestyle they offer, rather than their…
Types of Senior Housing and Terminology
The slides below are background for my November 9, 2023 webcast for the Maryland Association for Parkinson’s Support on selecting a Life Plan Community for Parkinson’s patients in Baltimore.
Finding Happiness In A Senior Housing Community
This post updates one I originally published in 2015 that uses data from a study of nearly 6,900 seniors mostly living in independent living community or an IL unit within a larger, multi-level Life Plan Community. While the study was designed to guide senior housing developers and operators, I use the study results to guide…
Are Baby Boomers Now Ready for Seniors Housing?
I am 72. I graduated college 50 years ago and am a quintessential baby boomer. I studied seniors housing and care as a real estate market and stock analyst for more than 20 years. I spent several years raising capital and advising companies in the seniors housing and care space and served on the board…
Building A Parkinson’s Care Team
Background – Parkinson’s is a progressive, degenerative condition that requires a comprehensive approach to care. But the fragmented U.S. system of health care reimbursement, multiple managed care networks and referrals is not designed to guide patients toward an integrated, top quality care team to meet your individualized needs. A Parkinson’s patient must take on this…
Out of the Closet on Parkinson’s
I was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in October 2018. My family and close friends have long known of my condition. But I have been reluctant to discuss Parkinson’s on my blog. I was concerned that potential consulting clients and board recruiters might be less willing to use my services if they knew I had…
Benefits of Retirement Center Living
I thought a letter to the editor published in the Wall Street Journal on November 11, 2021 from Jane Shaw Stroup contained a number of good insights on retirement center living from someone whose husband had recently died after the couple spent five years in a community. Jane Shaw Stroup is a retired nonprofit executive…
Pandemic, Lockdowns, Election Denial Getting You Down – Try Fondue
My wife and I actually have two fondue pots. I thought they were both presents from our 1977 wedding, but my wife says one if from my first marriage in 1972 and the other from my mother when she downsized in the 90s. Regardless of their lineage, we have not used either fondue pot for…