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Photos of Life Plan Communities in Baltimore

In my November 9, 2023 webcast for the Maryland Association for Parkinson’s Support (MAPS) I discuss Life Plan Communities (LPCs) as a housing option for Parkinson’s patients. LPCs were preciously called continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs). The industry changed the terminology used to describe these communities to emphasize the lifestyle they offer, rather than their ability to provide different levels of care over time as residents age.

There are 17 LPCs in the Baltimore metro area, with two additional communities under development or seeking pre-sales. We focused on Broadmead, Charlestown, Edenwald, Roland Park Place and Vantage Point in Columbia to understand pricing, contract options, etc. and to determine if the community offers PD care on site or in close proximity to the community. The photos below provide additional a feel for our focus communities.

LPCs offer a full range of senior housing options on a single campus. These communities are typically 300 to 500 units in size, offer very attractive common areas, programs and a wide variety of activities and programs. Two Baltimore area LPCs, developed by Erickson, have 1,850 units and I call them mega LPCs. LPCs typically charge an entrance fee and a month service fee. We believe these communities are well-designed to accommodate a PD patient and a healthy spouse because of the broad range of activities they offer, and a number of Baltimore LPCs now provide PD support groups and exercise programs on campus.


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