Robust Retirement

Category: Industry Issues


    On June 24, 2021 the 12-story, 136 unit, Champlain Towers South condominium in the Miami, FL suburb of Surfside collapsed. The collapse took only 12 seconds, killed nearly 100 people, and was among the worst structural failures in US history. Factors being investigated as causes for the collapse: long-term degradation of reinforced concrete structural support in the…

  • Finding Happiness In A Senior Housing Community

    This post updates one I originally published in 2015 that uses data from a study of nearly 6,900 seniors mostly living in independent living community or an IL unit within a larger, multi-level Life Plan Community. While the study was designed to guide senior housing developers and operators, I use the study results to guide…

  • Convert Colleges to Senior Hsg. Enrollment Declines Create New Opportunities

    I have written three times before on this blog about augmenting college finances and declining enrollment by introducing senior housing on campus or by fully converting small college campuses into senior housing communities. The first time was February 2, 2019, in response to an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal about the challenges facing…

  • COVID-19 Vaccine Could Boost Seniors Housing Occupancy in 2021

    This week we received preliminary very positive news that the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is 90% effective and that Pfizer could apply for emergency use approval by the end of the year. On October 22, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced HHS’ partnership with CVS and Walgreens to provide the COVID-19 vaccine…

  • Converting Private Colleges To Senior Housing – Just Announced Welltower Transaction Shows Opportunity is Real

    On September 18, 2019, news sources reported the sale of the Newbury College Campus in Brookline, Massachusetts to the health care REIT Welltower for redevelopment into a senior housing community. Welltower reportedly acquired the nearly eight acre site containing 8 buildings with approximately 142,000 sq. ft. for $34 million. Welltower’s purchase confirm my view, expressed…

  • Reusing Suburban Corporate Headquarters As CCRCs

    I had lunch yesterday with Robert Kramer, Founder and Strategic Advisor of the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing and Care Industry (NIC).    In the course of our conversation, Bob mentioned that National Development and Epoch Senior Living were proposing to develop 130 units of upscale senior housing on the former headquarters of…

  • Immigration and Senior Caregiving Linked

    It has been several months since I updated my blog because I have gotten busy serving on the Board of Quality Care Properties (QCP) and with some consulting work.   I am also just back from a vacation in Costa Rica about which I hope to soon  do a post. An article in today’s (January…

  • Ten Takeaways From NIC Conference

    The Fall conference of the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing and Care Industry (NIC – was held in Washington, DC from September 14 to September 16, 2016.   This is the largest industry conference for seniors housing and care. I moderated a panel entitled “Somewhere Over The Rainbow: Where Winning Post Acute Strategies…

  • Pivot Points In Seniors Housing/Post-Acute Care Create Investment Opportunities

    On Tuesday, May 17, 2015 I was featured in a question and answer session over breakfast with subscribers of Senior Care Investor, moderated by its editor Steve Monroe. We covered a wide range of topics.   I summarize below key takeaways from my Senior Care Investor interview and provide a link to the nearly one hour…

  • UnSenior “Seniors Housing”

    Earlier this month I toured The Stories at Congressional Plaza, a new type of “seniors housing” project designed to appeal to seniors as well as those of other ages looking for a high-tech, high-service environment in an urban mixed use setting.  The Stories opened in February 2016 and is a joint effort of Federal Realty…

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